Friday, December 28, 2012

December Update

Alright! So like I said, a lot has been happening.

Moda got a not haircut, short, and I feel like it suits both me and her a lot better, personality-wise.

It has been really interesting to follow her progression and find exactly what feels right to me, being the person behind the avatar. I feel like she is beginning to be a great virtual representation of me.

Obviously I am still trying to figure out what my RL/SL boundaries are - what do I want to bring from my RL into my SL and vice versa?

This boundary is constantly evolving for me at the moment.

What else?

I made a really good friend ^^ We hang out all the time and I have a room in her house. Her name is Cherri and I guess we have sort of become SL sisters :P

Here's a picture of us :))
I have also been doing a lot of shopping, as you can tell. Well - freebie shopping ^^ haha. I have recently discovered the magical universe of group gifts and promos in-world and on the marketplace.

Got any places you love to get freebies from? Any good group gifts? Let me know! :D I'll try to share information as well ^^

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