Monday, March 26, 2012

Today I went to Da Vinci Gardens.

I said hello to a guy and then asked what was going on in the area...he promptly walked away and since I didn't really see anyone else hanging around I left to try another sim instead.

I used the "Destinations" feature > Popular places to pick, Rancho Pimenta seemed to have a good number of people hanging out there so I teleported to its location. Turned out to be a Portuguese/Spanish speaking destination and no one really seemed interested in speaking English :P

Otherwise, there was some nice scenery there but since it was mainly a place to go dance, I decided to move on to newer frontiers...

I ended up in a place called Future Femdom.

It's a societal matriarchy sim where men are all slaves and women are all goddesses.

When I arrived there were two men worshiping (groveling?) at the feet of two women who were giving the orders (kiss my boots, my ass..). The men seemed more than content to be in their position and would even ask for more instruction to make sure they were pleasing their "goddesses."

As it turns out, I suppose the two men were being initiated into the society - although I am told the "initiation"/training never really ends.

I met the owner of the sim (A) as well as a friend of hers (B) and they both gave me a lot of useful information...

B told me that for her, spending a lot of time in SL is a form of " music or film or TV."

I asked them both:

Do people in SL tend to pick kind of a home base, or a sim they really like and frequent a lot, and kind of just browse around otherwise?

Both A and B seemed to agree that many SL residents do have some kind of loyalty to one place or a couple of places.

A laid it out for me like this:

I think a lot of peoepl do that....tend to use a place a sa frequent home...until they actually start their own place, then they never elave there.

Me: Do a lot of people end up starting their own places then?


Id say there are 3 types, very egenrally speaking
1. those who buy land, build places and tend to never leave them as much.....
2. those that buy or rent places, like houses....and treat them as houses.....but still roam
3. those that never have land and just roam

Me: So I guess you would say a lot of people are loyal to certain sims?

A: (a little later)

I used to visit many places that are 'matriarchal'....but I find many of their policies (or lack of policies) distasteful of not absolutely dreadful, so I dotn go to them so much
though I travel all over SL for business purposes...I am anetworker
Id say loyalty to sims is very common.....
and a big part of SL is not just places...locations...there are also Groups (that may have nothiung to do woith land)

I told her that I noticed that many people come to SL for sex sims and she told me that that is true but she along with others she knows are working to make "adult sims" about more than sex - sims for adults, I suppose, where sex may be involved but are not the main point of the sim.

I think she gave me a lot of useful information, but I was left with why matriarchal sims are so attractive to her? Do they fulfill some kind of need she has not avenue for expressing in RL?

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